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East Perth Banquet Auction

Friday, May 19, 2017 - 1:21 PM

The East Perth Football Club is seeking donations for the 2017 Banquet Auction, to be held at the State Reception Centre on Thursday, August 10.

The Auction is the Clubs’ biggest and most prestigious fund raising event. The success of this function is imperative for our football development programs within the inner metro area and the regional South West, upgrading our player facilities and the commercial viability of our Club.

The night will feature a showcase of main auction and online auction items – courtesy of generous corporate partners, donors and supporters.

To that end, we respectfully seek your support by way of provision of relevant goods and services that we can promote and auction at this year’s Banquet Auction

Anything you can do to support this event would be greatly appreciated.

In return, you or your company will be acknowledged on our website, within the auction catalogue and online auction gallery.

If you are able to support the club with a donation or would like tickets to the event, please download the East Perth Banquet Auction Registration Form and East Perth FC Banquet Auction Donation Form or contact Amy Howard on (08) 9443 2259 or